Finish Line

Today's target word count, if you're doing 1/30th of your words (_) per day, is _

You are currently ahead or behind by _ days. Negative means you're behind, positive means you're ahead.

You have _ words left. Use them wisely.

This means that you must write _ words per day to finish on time

If you want that to be _ words per day to finish, write _ more words today, bringing your total word count to _.

If you want that to be _ words per day to finish, write _ more words today, bringing your total word count to _.

If you want that to be _ words per day to finish, write _ more words today, bringing your total word count to _.

You've written an average of _ words per day so far, and at this rate you'll finish on day _.

page by edunham, november 2014. source on github. ported clumsily from the python version. Cute pictures used with the wonderful Chibird's permission.